Hope is terrifying in a delightful sort of way, don’t you think? I’ve never been more hopeful than I am now. If you’re on my email list, you likely got my post-election communiqué. I reminded you that the death of false hope is cause for celebration, to evaluate your exchanges, and to, unfailingly, tell yourself the truth. I highlighted the power of defining your objective on your terms. I urged you to recall that you are variable and everyone should treat you accordingly. Real hope is evergreen and it requires courage & truth.
I refused to inhabit my own life fully for a mighty long time because hope, love, and other splendid things are terrifying in a delightful sort of way. I engaged with the world in a braced position. More often than not, I had learned to be my worst enemy. I learned to be my best ally instead. When you are truly embodied and connected to inner security, you only brace when necessary… and you may find “necessary” dwindles to never over time. What I want to impress upon you is that the only way to prepare, prosper, and persevere is through embodiment. The way to pleasure and purpose is through embodiment. Embodiment is not a destination; it’s you, in the present moment, choosing to be here, the present moment. So, lend me your eyes and attention, please. I’d like to shine a light back on you.
We are going to require increasing levels of comfort with our hope and our love. We are going to need to cherish those things. We are going to need to deepen our intimacy. It’s an erotic prospect. Hope and love keep us whole and call us deeper into our embodiment. Both drive us to be ourselves and remain connected to life force at its most fundamental. I have this moment often, but do you know that streak of pleasure that shoots through you when you hear a song you love? And you just can’t help but feel a spark ripple through your body? We’re designed to feel that daily. We cannot feel it thoroughly when we are braced.
People have always trusted me with their fears. I, for the most part, have been a steady, trustworthy guardian for them. I take it all quite seriously. I set a very hard line this past year where I refused to steward fear. When I say steward, I mean host, attend, tend to, etc. as a full time role. That is not my life purpose and it no longer makes sense for me to spend my time doing that. I happily steward and live love.
Certain individuals have had quite strong reactions to my refusal to be a sin eater. It’s not me they’re reacting to; it’s responsibility. Responsibility for their own embodiment and for the organized flow that demands. This is also usually the gap in adoption of the Neurointuitive suite. I use Soul Retrieval as a literal prerequisite because it sets you on a subconscious journey to go pick up the pieces of you that have been scattered, shunned, shamed, etc. You learn better skills for resolving conflict, internal and external, and boldly being in a world that tells you to exist. You are called, lovingly and fiercely, to create an organized flow. You are invited to spend a few moments each day for 6 weeks solely on you. 6 is the number of harmony but also of imperfection. Of humanity. 6 weeks is a blip on the radar of the average lifetime but responsibility for those 6 weeks can be daunting. I was diagnosed with ADHD in my early 20s, and I am utterly sympathetic to the wilds of neurodivergence. I will say that nothing in my life has ever changed without resolve, loud or quiet.
When we think of the word “resolution,” we probably think of hardening ourselves (bracing) our way toward a goal. You may be surprised to know that resolution comes from the Latin to loosen and release. If you’re serious about doing anything, you usually do have to dissolve your current formation and rearrange your molecules in pure devotion to your end. I would recommend knowing how to do this. It’s something I’ve mastered and taught. It’s something that I learn more about and refine daily. You already know in your body, but you have to know how to go there on purpose. I’ve discovered that this becomes increasingly important and instrumental in “allowing.” The strength of fluidity can never be overstated. The clear associations between fluidity, love, and hope are wildly and intentionally understated.
This is why I want you to be able to listen to yourself with careful ears and render truth from the bones of your terror. This was a challenge in 2024 and it will be the challenge of 2025. Reclamation, retention, maintenance, and expansion of personal power will always be your work. There’s been a distinct increase in my personal and professional courage this past year. I will be creating from that space all year long. All of my work remains timeless and creative growth is terrifying in a delightful sort of way, so I am thrilled.
Part of this change boils down to this: you can no longer give me your fears to transmute for you. You can share them with me and, with your willingness, I will help you see your way more clearly. I will stand with you so it’s not so daunting. I will offer guidance where appropriate and I will lend you some ease. I will always listen to someone’s honesty. I will not host lies. I create to foster explicit independence and desire fulfillment, and that means personal responsibility.
If you’d like my love stewardship in your life, The Strategy Series will begin in January for those who are willing to prepare, execute, trust, and flow. (As many times as it takes because that is life.) Many of the things I’ve learned and taught are available in self-study form in the Suite. If you’d like to join my email list for private news and accessing member-only services, you can join here.
It is my hope that 2025 will see you happier than you’ve ever been, prospering internally and externally, and in your fullest expression of your desire. Hope, love, and other splendid things ought to be yours. It is my prayer that you will take this coming year as an opportunity to move out of the “deservingness” paradigm. I pray it won’t take you extra steps and justification to know when you need/want something and decide to have it. May you emerge as your finest ally.